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Upgrading to v1.0


What to know before upgrading

dbt Core major version 1.0 includes a number of breaking changes! Wherever possible, we have offered backwards compatibility for old behavior, and (where necessary) made migration simple.

Renamed fields in dbt_project.yml

These affect everyone:

  • model-paths have replaced source-paths in dbt-project.yml.
  • seed-paths have replaced data-paths in dbt-project.yml with a default value of seeds.
  • The packages-install-path was updated from modules-path. Additionally the default value is now dbt_packages instead of dbt_modules. You may need to update this value in clean-targets.
  • Default for quote_columns is now True for all adapters other than Snowflake.

These probably don't:

  • The default value of test-paths has been updated to be the plural tests.
  • The default value of analysis-paths has been updated to be the plural analyses.


The two test types are now "singular" and "generic" (instead of "data" and "schema", respectively). The test_type: selection method accepts test_type:singular and test_type:generic. (It will also accept test_type:schema and test_type:data for backwards compatibility.) Not backwards compatible: The --data and --schema flags to dbt test are no longer supported, and tests no longer have the tags 'data' and 'schema' automatically applied. Updated docs: tests, test selection, selection methods.

The greedy flag/property has been renamed to indirect_selection, which is now eager by default. Note: This reverts test selection to its pre-v0.20 behavior by default. dbt test -s my_model will select multi-parent tests, such as relationships, that depend on unselected resources. To achieve the behavior change in v0.20 + v0.21, set --indirect-selection=cautious on the CLI or indirect_selection: cautious in YAML selectors. Updated docs: test selection examples, yaml selectors.

Global macros

Global project macros have been reorganized, and some old unused macros have been removed: column_list, column_list_for_create_table, incremental_upsert. This is unlikely to affect your project.


  • Installation docs reflects adapter-specific installations
  • python -m pip install dbt is no longer supported, and will raise an explicit error. Install the specific adapter plugin you need as python -m pip install dbt-<adapter>.
  • brew install dbt is no longer supported. Install the specific adapter plugin you need (among Postgres, Redshift, Snowflake, or BigQuery) as brew install dbt-<adapter>.
  • Removed official support for python 3.6, which is reaching end of life on December 23, 2021

For users of adapter plugins

  • BigQuery: Support for ingestion-time-partitioned tables has been officially deprecated in favor of modern approaches. Use partition_by and incremental modeling strategies instead. For more information, refer to Incremental models.

For maintainers of plugins + other integrations

We've introduced a new structured event interface, and we've transitioned all dbt logging to use this new system. This includes a breaking change for adapter plugins, requiring a very simple migration. For more details, see the events module README. If you maintain a different kind of plugin that needs legacy logging, for the time being, you can re-enable it with an env var (DBT_ENABLE_LEGACY_LOGGER=True); be advised that we will remove this capability in a future version of dbt Core.

The dbt RPC Server has been split out from dbt-core and is now packaged separately. Its functionality will be fully deprecated by the end of 2022, in favor of a new dbt Server. Instead of dbt rpc, use dbt-rpc serve.

Artifacts: New schemas (manifest v4, run results v4, sources v3). Notable changes: add metrics nodes; schema test + data test nodes are renamed to generic test + singular test nodes; freshness threshold default values look slightly different.

Deprecations from long ago

Several under-the-hood changes from past minor versions, tagged with deprecation warnings, have now been fully deprecated.

  • The packages argument of dispatch has been deprecated and will raise an exception when used.
  • The "adapter_macro" macro has been deprecated. Instead, use the dispatch method to find a macro and call the result.
  • The release arg has been removed from the execute_macro method.

New features and changed documentation

  • Add metrics, a new node type
  • Generic tests can be defined in tests/generic (new), in addition to macros/ (as before)
  • Parsing: partial parsing and static parsing have been turned on by default.
  • Global configs have been standardized. Related updates to global CLI flags and profiles.yml.
  • The init command has a whole new look and feel. It's no longer just for first-time users.
  • Add result:<status> subselectors for smarter reruns when dbt models have errors and tests fail. See examples: Pro-tips for Workflows
  • Secret-prefixed env vars are now allowed only in profiles.yml + packages.yml